There were no recovery groups for abductees in 1973, and there are hardly any now.
Calvin was very much shamed and 'othered' for telling "the truth" as he experienced it.
One minute Calvin Parker had his youth, his vigor, and his confidence - but with the appearance of an alien craft over the Pascagoula River everything that ever mattered was taken away in a flash.
This is Calvin's story of redemption and return.
Calvin and his older co-worker Charlie Hickson were abducted into an alien spacecraft while fishing at night on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. Paralyzed by unknown forces and taken against their will, the otherworldly experience of these two men became one of the most iconic abduction stories in UFO history.
SHE STANDS BY HIM AS We will witness Calvin’s struggle to overcome the psychological scars of his encounter while he battles against accusations of lies and insanity that tarnish his name.
The chaos shatters any chance of peace and simplicity for Calvin’s life.
The majority of the story is set during the 70’s, at the height of an unprecedented spike in UFO interest across the country. It is an era of unanswerable questions and unending debates, creating the perfect storm of conditions for word of Calvin’s abduction to catch like wildfire.
We capture the frenetic excitement that existed surrounding aliens, depicting an iconic point in American culture when the wonder of the space-age collides with a post-vietnam distrust of authority and inspires millions to look to the night sky with awe and fear. The saturation of UFO’s in media and culture destroys Calvin’s prospects of escaping the notoriety of his abduction.
Calvin's story was worldwide news.
She will witness Calvin’s struggle to overcome the psychological scars of his encounter while he battles against accusations of lies and insanity that tarnish his name.
The chaos shatters any chance of peace and simplicity for Calvin’s life.
He went from being a prisoner of the spacecraft to one back here on Earth.
Waynette helplessly watches Calvin struggle to overcome the psychological scars of his encounter while he battles against the accusations of lies and insanity that tarnish his name.
The chaos shatters any chance of peace and simplicity for their life together.
Shame and terror lead to breakdowns and failure.
One minute Calvin Parker had his confidence and a bright and bold plan for the future - but with the appearance of an alien craft over the Pascagoula River everything that ever mattered
was taken away in a flash.
This is Calvin's story of redemption and return.

Dr. James Harder
Dr. J.Allen Hynek

Within hours of hearing about Calvin's abduction, famous UFO researchers, J.Allen Hynek
(Project Blue Book) and Dr. James Harder flew down to Pascagoula to question and examine
both Calvin and co-abductee Charlie Hickson.
Hynek's conclusion shook the world:
“There’s simply no question in my mind that
these men had a very real, frightening experience…
under no circumstances should these men be ridiculed.
They are absolutely honest. Let's protect them.”
In the aftermath of the alleged abduction, Calvin Parker is not protected.
He is scrutinized, ridiculed and hunted.
Unequipped both emotionally and rationally to cope with what happened,
wanting to force the memories from his mind, Calvin goes underground.
He moves from town to town like a fugitive. He even changes his name.
Shame and terror lead to breakdowns and failure.
Yet after 45 years of running, Calvin Parker finally finds his way out of the darkness.
A fateful decision in 2018 to reveal, and no longer conceal the unspeakable events of October 13, 1973, ultimately unlocks a lifetime of trauma for Calvin Parker.
WRITE AUTHOR’S INTRO? write an intro that while there are many alien abduction stories this is one that is absolutely true to history - three great cases that have permeated the cultural consciousness, james earl jones as barney, travis walton and the case of the Pascagoula incident. This screenplay written by first time screenwriter Stephen Auerbach, whose background is documentary films, and who has been trained to write only from the facts, features as little embellishment or creative alteration as possible, there is a tremendous historical record on Pascagoula and from this archive has been drawn the dialogue and action of which you are about to read. AUTHORS NOTE CONTINUED, read about a man in usa today, for 45 years underground and silent, what clinched it for me is that he lived much of that time under an assumed namely

Calvin created this cover story to protect himself, yet, ironically, in the end, the secrecy he desired propelled him on a self destructive journey that brought him to the brink of annihilation.
An iconic point in American culture when the wonder of the space-age collides with a post-vietnam distrust of authority and inspires millions to look to the night sky with awe and fear. The saturation of UFO’s in media and culture destroys Calvin’s prospects of escaping the notoriety of his abduction.
There were no recovery groups for abductees in 1973, and there are hardly any now.
Calvin was shamed and 'othered' for telling "the truth" as he experienced it.
and hurled Calvin into the eye of a vicious storm that few could survive - much less a 19 year old southern kid who didn't
even graduate high school
yet had been earning his way since
he was 12 when his father walked out on the family.
Unequipped both emotionally and rationally to cope with what happened,
wanting to force the memories from his mind, Calvin goes underground.
He moves from town to town like a fugitive. He even changes his name.
Shame and terror lead to breakdowns and failure.
Yet after 45 years of running, Calvin Parker finally finds his way out of the darkness.
A fateful decision in 2018 to reveal, and no longer conceal the unspeakable events of October 13, 1973, ultimately unlocks a lifetime of trauma for Calvin Parker.
turned upside down, it's been ripped into pieces,
and for Calvin, it's expanded violently to include a very convincing encounter in Pascagoula, Mississippi with what can only be described as alien beings - extra-terrestials.
Abduction reports were exceedingly rare.
In fact, only one had made the national news prior to Pascgoula.
A New Hampshire couple claimed to have been
abdcuted and experimented upon by alien beings in 1961.
Abduction stories were very rare at this point. And when famous researcher J ALLEN HUNEK validates calvin enters the frenzied press and the history books.
worldwide news enters the history books.
Days before they are to share their vows, Calvin has a breakdown, is hospitalized,
tranquilized and chained to a bed in the hospital ward.
Yet Waynette remains true for Calvin, and enthusiastically
marries her troubled, and now notorious sweet heart.
She will witness Calvin’s struggle to overcome the psychological scars
of his encounter while he battles against accusations of lies and insanity that tarnish his name.
The chaos shatters any chance of peace and simplicity for Calvin’s life.
He went from being a prisoner of the spacecraft to one back here on Earth.
Calvin went underground - people thought he was dead, moved from town to town like a fugutive, even changed his name ! This went on for almost 40 years until finding himself on his potential deathbed convinced Calvin to finally tell his story, let the secret out, but the damage of holding it in would never leave
The story of the Pascagoula abduction has been the subject of books, articles, and wild speculation for decades, but one voice remained silent for forty-five years following the incident, the voice of the only surviving man with the full story of what unfolded on that fateful October night.

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